Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Why Boycott CTV?

We are making a statement to CTV across Canada. We are going to miss our local "A" channel news as are many but CTV and CBC are just corporate whores!

CTV closing Windsor and Wingham stations and warns the company may need to consider similar action in other markets.

They are looking for the government to bail them out, at our expense. Does CTV believe we owe it to them to bail them out? Well you guys are bailing on us so don't expect anything from us!

The company states that due to the financial crisis, coupled with a recet government regulatory decision, is making local programming more and more difficult to sustain.

If it isn't bad enough that the Big 3, oops Detroit 3, has beat us down into submission, now the grand masters at CTVglobemedia have to kick us when we are down.

CTVglobemedia also states that the decision will leave the Wingham and Windsor communities without local CTV news, and viewers in the two communities will have to turn to the A brand station in London.

Let this be a lesson to all Canadians. Once your local economy takes a big enough hit and the unemployment rates get too high, you are no longer news worthy. Or should I say worthy of news or local programming.

Notice how I only mention missing the news? It's hard to miss anything else. The problem is one they created by shelling out millions to buy programs for the US that we can watch for free and are broadcast in digital HDTV from Detroit. We only watch the news for the most part. We might consider watching some of the US shows but the way they splice and switch signals reminds me of old school basic cable tv services.

Now they need millions in Federal Bailout Money!

Our position is simple, we believe this is a money grab by CTVglobemedia. They are losing money because, in their words, the economic model for television in this country is broken. Well who broke it?

Sorry to the corporate whores of North America, we can not afford to offer you the reward of a bailout. It's time for you to go so someone can develop a working economic model!

How many other issues CTVglobemedia has created over the past few months and how many problems have they infilicted and induced upon us Cnanadians over the past few years?

It must be nice to have the ability to control information, CTVglobemedia sure yields that power!

Post your stories and discuss this issue freely!

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