Monday, March 16, 2009



Thank you for your message of February 28, 2009.

The CRTC recently announced it would hold a public hearing, beginning on April 27, 2009, to consider the licence renewals for private conventional television stations, such CTV Television. Details on the process and a list of the applications to be considered can be found in Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-113, linked below. If you are interested in taking part in this process and having your comments form part of the official public record of the proceeding, please follow the instructions in the notice and ensure that your submission reaches the CRTC by the March 30, 2009 deadline.

You will find further information on CRTC public proceedings and the broadcasting complaints process at:

Thanks to Michelle one our Facebook freinds for passing this on to us.

Boycott CTV and ANY Government Bailouts to them or CBC! Please join our Facebook Group and show your support!


  1. Contact the CRTC and tell them you support A Channel being allowed to charge fees to cable and satellite companies who retransmit their signals and programs.

    Be sure you let the CRTC know that you want to keep local news in Windsor and allowing private stations access to revenues from a fee-for-carriage regime is an important part of the solution.

  2. This may be a valid option but I am wary that it will only provide us with the same piss poor programming and no focus on the local communities involved.

    Maybe we should just have the cable and satellite providers pay for the license fees, if they are the only ones making a buck!

  3. Good point. And cable and satellite companies in Canada should take a pledge not to profit off of the fees they pay to local television stations, just like in the US. Cable companies are being forced to better explain their cable bills to customers and they are pledging that they are not profiting on any extra charges for fees paid to local tv stations.

    Can you imagine any cable or satellite company in Canada pledging to not profit on increases in bills to customers?

  4. Wow, cable and satellite companies are charching local customers for their local stations, but they dont pay the local stations? That is wrong. These companies are being shielded by CRTC and they are profiting on it, and in return, local TV is going under. If cable and satellite companies in Canada had to pay their own way, just like the cable and satellite companies do in the US, then local TV could survive in Canada.

    By not allowing local TV stations to charge for the retransmission of their signal and programming, the CRTC is saying that local TV is worthless, and that is wrong.

    Local TV is valued by Canadians. Consumers are loosing choice because the CRTC is not acting.

  5. Indeed we are the ones who suffer but the facts are what they are. CTVglobemedia knew the game, they knew the rules, they knew the advantages and disregarded the disadvantages. That being said I would have to agree with an article published by London's "A" Man that we should say yes to the carriage fees but we need to stand up against CTVglobemedia and demand that the CRTC reject any and all new renewal application as it pertains to small and medium market television to the CTVglobemedia group.

    I would like to present this issue along with some other local issues on my blog at:
    When you add up these seemingly insignificant issues the results are devastating.

    As Canadians, everyone should stand up together because what happens in Windsor right now is headed your way. This is historically true and this will happen to you and your community if you don't act.

  6. Thanks WindsorLive, came across these quotes and thought you may find them interesting:

    “The model is broken and a systemic solution must be found.”
    - Konrad von Finckenstein, Chairman of the CRTC, Speech to the Canadian Film and Television Production Association's conference, February 19, 2009.

    “The unspoken question today, is why the CRTC does not revisit the fee-for-carriage issue that might actually help broadcasters on the revenue side.”
    - Peter Murdoch, Vice-President Media for the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, February 13, 2009, Press Release.

  7. Great quotes, BorderCityMan.

    Check this out, I was googled about the closure of the A Windsor station, and came across this excellent backgrounder from 1972 when cable tv was introduce. This policy document predicted what would happen in windsor:

    “The task of the Commission must be to relate the fundamental philosophical idea of payment for services rendered and for use made, with the pragmatic realization that, without this payment, in the long run the very stations on which the cable systems depend may no longer be able to provide them those many services.” (Canadian Broadcasting ‘A Single System’: Policy Statement on Cable Television,” July 1971

  8. Thank you BorderCityMan and Anonymous. I just wonder how all of this went unnoticed. The traditional braodcasters never took cable tv seriously, apparently. But I guess it is a double edged sword, cable relies on traditional broadcating to lure the viewers yet thought they should get it for free. On the other hand CTVglobemedia took a chance, rolled the dice and took their eyes off the table. They came into Windsor with a big new look and flashy image and failed to deliver.

    Many execs made big, big money, they knew it was imploding but sucked the well dry. How much did the rebranding cost? My guess is about 17 employees worth.

    The CRTC is the primary culprit but CTVglobemedia took advantage of the situation. There is really only one way to end the bleeding, the elimination of CTVglobemedia for raping the consumer, without lube and the CRTC for setting the stage for them.

    Who paid Who? We paid the CRTC via taxes to provide CTV with the mechanism to profit off a "Broken Model" for so long.
    Please leave sources to the info as you post so we can pass it on. The more information we have available the better the issue can be shared and discussed.

    Take a Stand for Canada...Boycott CTV! Protest the renewal of any and all current and new broadcasting license applications. Let them pay Cogeco or Rogers to rebroadcast their rebroadcats of reruns and duplicate content.

    I have a great article I would like to share with you with regards to the history of broadcast tv in Canada. I am awaiting authorization to republish it. It will give an insight to our situation in Windsor, you'll get the idea of where we are coming from.

  9. Thanks WindsorLive! I came across an interesting background note on the internet at I hope it helps.
